8 october

You can find me in Yellow Door workspace, where I hold a small,
but cozy exhibition of my latest
works (this year, mostly) — give them
a visit, it is not far from Tchekhovskaya metro station.

Strastnoy blvd., 12/1, Moscow, Russia

22 october

Let us meet more often in Yellow Door Workspace where we can achieve new heights in creative experience. I present you my new project "7 dogs" — no we can co-create, not only co-work :) That will be awesome!

Yulia Tretyakova

3 june

I'm working at the Muzeon in Moscow from Thursday till Sunday, you can meet me there. We'll have a creative time there, making drawings, painting pictures and something I'm just thinking of.

1 september

Matilda wants to congratulate
my son Fedya with another school
year and say "hi" to all the visitors
of this very page, whom I can't find
time to answer.

28 may

My website is almost finished. That feeling when you want to share this link with everybody. Feel free to drop me a line.

6 may

A person that used to be just my couchsurfing friend appeared to be a highly art addictive friend from Dresden and bought this early work.


Interesting fact — there are two kinds of people. Those who're fond of my early works and those who prefer the latest ones. No compromises.

20 may

Vidnoe University of Graphic Arts where I use to work with students opened a small exhibition of my works.

8 april

Seven works released under the collection name "Nineteen".